How to Clean a Kitchen: The Ultimate How to Clean a Kitchen Guide Like a Professional with Checklist

written by: Florie Malapit

Published: December 13, 2022
Updated: November 15, 2023

reading time:  minutes


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How to Clean a Kitchen: The Ultimate How to Clean a Kitchen Guide Like a Professional with Checklist

When you're cleaning your kitchen, you want to do it right. You want to tackle every spot, and you want to save time. And when it comes down to it, you want your kitchen to look good. Don't worry. We've got you covered.

This post will give you an overview of how to clean your kitchen like a professional house cleaning service. We'll cover everything from the best way to clean different kinds of surfaces to how often you should be doing it in the first place. So let's get started!

Looking for the Printable Kitchen Cleaning Checklist?

Jump straight to the checklist

Your kitchen is your home's heart and soul. It's where you cook, it's where you eat, and it's one of the rooms where you spend the most time with your family. It's also one of the most important rooms to keep clean.

Cleaning your kitchen is no easy task. There are so many things to clean, and you must ensure you do it right, or your kitchen will end up looking worse than before.

If you're looking for a way to start your kitchen cleaning routine, this guide will give you the tools and tips to keep your kitchen looking and feeling new.

We'll walk you through cleaning a kitchen like a professional with an easy-to-follow checklist to ensure that every kitchen surface is as clean as possible!

How to clean a kitchen: The ultimate kitchen cleaning guide

What You'll Need

  • Sponge
  • Dish soap
  • Water
  • Basin
  • Clean towel
  • White vinegar
  • Microfiber cloths
  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Baking soda
  • Old toothbrush
  • Plastic scraper
  • Clean rag
  • Paper towels
  • Microfiber pad mop

How to Thoroughly Clean a Kitchen: Step-by-Step Guide

There's nothing worse than a dirty kitchen. But there are some things you can do to make sure your kitchen is always clean, no matter how busy or full of people it gets.

We've put together a step-by-step guide to thoroughly cleaning your kitchen, so you can get it done quickly and with minimal effort!

1. Clear all kitchen surfaces

Clear the kitchen surfaces

It is the first step in organizing and cleaning the kitchen. You can hardly clean a kitchen if there is clutter throughout the kitchen surfaces, and although this first chore could take the longest, it is also one of the most crucial ones.

Remove extras and anything else that shouldn't be left on a kitchen countertop from all kitchen surfaces. Remove everything that doesn't belong on your counters, starting in one corner of the kitchen or one area of the counter.

Put things back where they belong, whether items that go in the refrigerator or cabinets or extra kitchen gadgets that should be kept in drawers.

2. Load the dishwasher

Before you continue cleaning, if your dishwasher is already full or nearly packed with dirty dishes, wash any remaining dishes first.

If you have been putting off cleaning burnt cookware, do so now. Wash all lingering dishes and cutting boards, including the water bottles frequently left on the counter next to the sink.

3. Wipe down the sink with dish soap or spray

Wipe down the kitchen sink

Give your sink a quick scrub with a sponge and some dish soap with warm water when you have finished with the dishes. Your sink won't need to be cleaned again after this, so there's no need to put too much time or effort into doing a thorough job.

To prepare a soapy solution, you must have a reasonably clean kitchen sink at least half full of warm water. Make the solution in your sink or basin using the amount of liquid dish soap possible. In addition to cleaning other kitchen surfaces and spaces, you'll use this to rinse off cleaning supplies as necessary.

4. Dust the refrigerator and kitchen cabinet tops

Cleaning the entire space from top to bottom makes sense regardless of the room you're working on. You can be sure to clean up any debris and dust that become dislodged and settles on the next lower surface in this way. Dust the refrigerator's top, the tops of your kitchen cabinets, and the overhead light fixtures to start at the top of the kitchen.

This comprehensive guide on how to clean kitchen cabinets to bring them back to life helps provide you with the steps you need to get started on your cabinet-cleaning adventure.

To keep your food safe, fresh, and simple to locate when preparing or cooking meals, follow these easy steps to clean and sanitize a fridge.

5. Clean the stove top and oven

Clean the stove top and oven

The stove top often needs the most cleaning due to food spills and stubborn oil. Stove tops in homes where cooking is a regular occurrence are usually stained.

When cleaning the gas stove, use a clean, dry towel, and like before, let any crumbs fall to the floor. It is more time adequate to clean them at the end. Change the towel after you're done to prevent oil from spreading to other surfaces.

If you're looking for a way to clean your stainless steel cooktop stove, this detailed guide can help you find the right solution. This blog can also help you learn how to clean a glass cooktop stove safely and effectively.

Next, once the top of your oven has been cleaned, use diluted dish soap, an all-purpose cleaner, baking soda, or white vinegar to clean the front of your oven. Don't forget to wash the display and knobs with soapy water.

6. Maintain proper kitchen ventilation

It's essential to keep your kitchen well-ventilated so that you can feel good about spending time there. One way you can do that is by keeping your range hood and kitchen exhaust fan clean. Keeping these areas free of dust and grease buildup, you'll be able to breathe more manageable, as will anyone else who comes into contact with them.

Cleaning your range hood is a tricky step that can significantly affect how well-ventilated your space is. First, make sure the appliance is turned off before cleaning. You can then wipe down any surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge, but if there are any grime spots or stains, use baking soda and water to scrub them away.

To clean your kitchen exhaust fan, switch it off and check the fan blades to see if they are working correctly. Then, wipe down the surfaces with a damp cloth dipped in dish soap and warm water cleaning solution.

7. Clean small appliances

Clean small kitchen appliances

Clean your small appliances promptly after. It's an excellent opportunity to shine and clear debris from your microwave, toaster, kettle, and coffee maker. However, you want to save time and limit the need for repairs the best idea is to clean them thoroughly.

Start with the interiors by clearing away toaster crumbs from your toaster and giving your coffee maker a vinegar cycle. You may follow these guides to clean specific types of coffee machines, such as coffee pod machinesespresso machines, and percolator coffee pots. This complete guide will also show you how to descale and clean a kettle.

When cleaning your microwave, consider using natural products like vinegar to steam off the debris and baked-on food. Follow this detailed guide on cleaning a microwave if you want to know more.

Finish by cleaning the outside of each small appliance. Use a slightly wet microfiber cloth with an all-purpose cleaner or a solution of distilled white vinegar. However, avoid using too much vinegar on stainless steel appliances as it might remove the lustre.

8. Clean the dishwasher

To clean a dishwasher, you must have an empty machine before removing the racks. You should then thoroughly clean the dishwasher filter. After giving it a hot water rinse and a good scrub with a cleaning toothbrush, screw it back on.

To clean the dishwasher with food residue, use a plastic scraper. The dishwasher door should be remembered when you clean the corners, base, and top. To clean the front of your dishwasher, use a microfiber cloth or rag and some acceptable soap or detergent.

Checking the drain is a good practice after cleaning the dishwasher. Pour hot water down the dishwasher drain while generally operating without any dishes.

9. Scrub the sink and splashback

Scrub the kitchen sink and splashback

Clean the stainless steel sink thoroughly before draining it. Keep in mind that things can get very dirty when dishes are left sitting around, so cleaning your kitchen sink should also entail cleaning the surrounding surfaces. Remember to scrub and clean the splashback too.

Wipe down the faucet, and other fixtures with a clean towel dipped in diluted white vinegar to clean them. This cleaning solution works wonders for disinfecting surfaces and removing hard water stains.

Rinse your sink and splashback well to complete cleaning, then pat dry with a clean kitchen towel or some paper towels.

10. Empty and wipe down your garbage bin and clean the floor

By emptying the trash if it's filled, vacuuming any crumbs in the bottom of the bin, and scrubbing it both inside and out with a disinfectant wipe, you can clean your kitchen bin as clean as you can inside the kitchen.

After you take out the trash, it's time to clean up the kitchen floor. A microfiber pad mop and a grease-fighting cleaning agent will help you remove tough stains and restore shine to your kitchen floor.

How to Speed Clean Your Kitchen in 15 Minutes

How to speed clean your kitchen in 15 minutes?

We all want our kitchens to be as clean and neat as possible. But between work, taking care of the kids, and maintaining a healthy diet, it can be tough to get everything done in one day.

Cleaning your kitchen can be time-consuming, so we're here to help. We've compiled some tips and tricks to help you speed-clean your kitchen in 15 minutes or less.

Whether you're a new homeowner, a college student, or just looking for a quick way to get rid of those pesky dishes, this guide will help you get it done in no time.

1. Gather your cleaning materials

Before you start, quickly gather all your cleaning materials and tools to clean the kitchen in less than 15 minutes. Take advantage of this process and undervalue the importance of organizing your cleaning materials.

In addition to taking up time, looking for cleaners, dishcloths, sponges, etc., increases the chance of distractions, which makes it easier to lose track of what you were doing in the first place.

Some essential cleaning supplies to quickly clean a kitchen are a kitchen sink scrub brush, all-purpose cleaner, disinfecting cleaner, stainless steel cleaner, microfiber cloths, mop towels, sponges, and dish soap.

Keep your favourite kitchen cleaning supplies and tools in a caddy or container underneath the kitchen sink so you can clean whenever you want.

2. Set a timer

Deep clean the kitchen fast by setting a timer

A great way to get motivated to clean quickly is to set a timer. Put an end to all interruptions, set a 15-minute timer, and see how much you can accomplish.

Do you work well with music? Create a 3-5 song playlist to motivate you and dance along while you work.

3. Do a quick decluttering

Any items that don't belong in the kitchen should be collected and put in a basket, plastic bin, empty box, or another container you have on hand.

Start by gathering everything from the kitchen table and counters. Put these items out of the kitchen for the time being rather than making an effort to put them straight away.

After that, either put the basket aside for the time being or ask for assistance to help you put everything back where it belongs.

4. Fill the sink with warm soapy water

Put a sink stopper in the drain and run hot soapy water through the sink. Make sure to utilize the side of a double sink with garbage disposal if it has one.

You'll be able to swiftly scrape leftovers down the drain while working if you leave the disposal side clear. Since it will cool as you use it, the water should be as hot as you can stand.

5. Scrape off the dishes into the garbage disposal or trash

Scrape off the dishes into the garbage disposal or trash

If your disposal is clogged and you don't have a second sink, scrape the dishes onto a dirty plate.

There are some things that, if you have a septic system, you should never flush down the sink. Eggshells, coffee grounds, and cooking grease should all be disposed of in the trash rather than down the garbage disposal.

6. Soak the dishes in the water

Pick the dishes that will be the most difficult for you or your dishwasher to clean. Place the dishes that are dirty on the bottom. Large bowls and pans can be filled with hot soapy water and then placed on the counter to soak.

7. Gather and discard waste

Do a trash collection lap around the kitchen while the dishes are soaking. Gather all trash from the floor, cabinets, and countertops, and throw it in the trash.

8. Wash dishes by hand or in the dishwasher

Wash dishes by hand or in the dishwasher

Dishes soaking in the sink should now be loaded into the dishwasher. Wash and dry your dishes by hand if you have any that won't fit in the dishwasher. The time it takes to wash dishes may increase if you don't have a dishwasher or don't like to use one.

To help the procedure go more quickly, organize your children into a wash, rinse, dry, and put away assembly line.

9. Clean the countertops, appliances, and sink

Use your chosen all-purpose cleaning spray and a microfiber cloth or dish towel to clean your kitchen appliances and counters.

Keep your attention on what's in front of you. Avoid getting distracted by specific tasks, such as cleaning the microwave or clearing the toaster of crumbs. You'll be surprised at how much simpler it is to clean your stovetop when you do your weekly clean if your practice this daily.

Additionally, clean the sink and then rinse your cleaning supplies. Put them in the dirty laundry if necessary so that you may wash them later.

10. Finish by cleaning the kitchen floor

Finish by cleaning the kitchen floor

Clean up the crumbs, dust, and debris from your kitchen floors with a broom or vacuum. If your trash can is overflowing, take the garbage outside and line the trash can with a fresh bag. As you're finishing up, swap your used kitchen towels for fresh ones. And you're done!

Kitchen Cleaning Checklist: When to Clean Your Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of your home. It's where you prepare your family's meals, entertain guests, and make memories. But it can also be a messy space and becomes a chore to maintain.

Whether you live alone or have a big family, you must clean your kitchen regularly. If you clean it regularly, you will find it easier to keep your kitchen clean later.

We will discuss how often and when you should clean your kitchen and what should be included in your cleaning checklist.

Daily Kitchen Cleaning Tasks

We've put together a daily cleaning checklist that will help you stay on top of all the work needed in your kitchen so you can continue to enjoy using it daily.

Daily kitchen cleaning checklist
  • Declutter counters. Sort and store everything. Put everything that doesn't belong in the kitchen back where it belongs. Junk mail, Lego creations, unfinished homework, and many other items you don't want to look at while eating can quickly end up on the kitchen table.
  • Wash the dishes. You can also use the dishwasher. Use the dishwasher for everyday plates, bowls, cups, and cutlery. Wash large, delicate, or brittle things by hand. Make sure to take care of hand-washed dishes as soon as possible after removing clean dishes from the dishwasher.
  • Run and empty the dishwasher as needed. You can check out how to clean a dishwasher for the complete guide.
  • Clean the sink thoroughly. After each use, use dish soap and hot water to clean the sink quickly and easily with everyday household items.
  • Spray and wipe spills from the floors, appliances, and countertops using a multipurpose cleaner. Remember to clean the range hood with splashes.
  • Sweep the floor quickly. If you're pressed for time, sweep up any debris from the cabinets with a dustpan and brush.
  • Place used dish towels in the washer.
  • Remember to leave a fresh kitchen towel for the following day.

Weekly Kitchen Cleaning Tasks

Below is our quick and easy weekly kitchen cleaning checklist. We've broken it down into simple steps so you can get through it quickly.

Weekly kitchen cleaning checklist
  • Make an inventory of the leftovers. Carry out the reliable sniff test. Throw away any pieces or perishable goods in the refrigerator if it's more than a week old.
  • Clean the appliances' exteriors. It includes large equipment and tiny countertop appliances like toasters and coffee makers. Grease from stainless steel appliances can be removed with a quick spritz and wiped with white vinegar. If you want to keep their glossy sheen and avoid fingerprints, brush them with a thin layer of olive oil.
  • Clean the microwave's interior. White vinegar can be heated in the microwave until it boils, steam cleaning the interior and dislodging caked-on dirt and filth. Clean up with a soapy sponge, and then use a fresh towel or rag to remove any soap scum. Shut the door of the microwave and let it air dry.
  • Spot-clean cabinets. To get rid of fingerprints and smudges, pay particular attention to the drawers and doors that you utilise most often. Pay attention to the interiors of the drawers and cabinet boxes. Spray on a multipurpose cleaner or your homemade 1:1 vinegar and water solution, then wipe the area to clean it more thoroughly.
  • Scrub your cutting board well. In a sink with hot water and dishwashing liquid or soap, clean the top, sides, and base of your cutting board.
  • Sanitise sponges. To kill bacteria, place your damp sponge in the microwave on high for one minute, or wash it if it's reusable. Any disposable cleaning sponges should be thrown away and replaced with clean ones.
  • Wash all kitchen towels and cloth. Wash all your towels in hot water with soap or detergent to kill off bacteria or germs lingering on them.
  • Deep clean the sink and faucet thoroughly. Sprinkle baking soda all over the sink basin. Let it sit for a few minutes, scrub it, and then rinse it with warm water. Pay special attention to seams and cracks because there is where much grime likes to hide. After finishing the sink, clean the faucet as well.
  • Empty and clean the kitchen bins. Even if they aren't filled, empty the trash, food, and recycling bins at least once a week to keep them from stinking. Spray an antibacterial cleanser inside and out of your trash bins, then wipe them off. Before placing them in new trash liners, dry them.
  • Sweep and mop the kitchen floor. You should clean the floor more frequently if you have young children, pets, or messy cooks.

Monthly Deep Cleaning Tasks

The following monthly kitchen deep cleaning checklist will help you stay on top of the dirt in your kitchen so your family can enjoy a clean space all year.

Monthly kitchen deep cleaning checklist
  • Take inventory of your pantry. Verify the expiration dates. Canned foods last reasonably long, while food packaged in boxes or bags usually spoils within a year or so. Opened items that remain unopened for a while can attract little bugs or bacteria.
  • Check your freezer. Any items that have passed their use-by date should be thrown away, and any frozen food that needs to be used quickly should be noted.
  • Sanitize the fridge. Take everything out so you can spray a mild antibacterial spray over the shelves and drawers. The best time to do this is the morning before you go grocery shopping because there will be fewer things to manage.
  • Clean your oven. Remove every rack and give it a thorough cleaning in the sink. If using oven cleaner makes you uncomfortable, try scrubbing the interior with baking soda and white vinegar.
  • Empty the toaster's interior. It is a relatively simple and quick process, but it can benefit your toaster's lifespan.
  • Clean the dishwasher. Look inside your dishwasher, especially where the seal and filter are, and clean off any dirt or water stains.
  • Clean and descale your coffee maker. Put warm water through the coffee maker after running it through with white vinegar to remove the vinegar's taste and odour. Leave the water chamber's lid open so it can dry naturally.
  • Clean the drawer organizers or dividers. They're fantastic for organizing your kitchen but attract crumbs and filth.
  • Clean the cabinet, drawers and doors. Pay special attention to the space under your cabinet in the toe-kick area.
  • Dust the cabinet and refrigerator tops, and light fixtures. The same goes for your cabinets containing pans and dishes. If you don't, dust will settle on these surfaces and create a new layer of grime.
  • Clean and sanitize trash and recycling bins. Additionally, if there is an unpleasant spill or odour, you should repeat this as necessary.
  • Scrub and clean tile grout. Applying baking soda paste to stained grout works perfectly. For cleaning grout, a vinegar and water mixture will also be effective.

Quarterly / Seasonal Kitchen Cleaning Tasks

We know that you have a lot on your plate. That's why we created this quarterly kitchen cleaning checklist to help you make sure your kitchen is clean and ready for the next big meal.

Quarterly/ Seasonal kitchen cleaning checklist
  • Clean inside your food cabinets and drawers after removing everything. Discard any expired goods. Any useless or damaged objects should be thrown away or donated. Before you put everything back in a tidy manner, clean the interior of the drawers.
  • Clean and defrost your freezer.
  • Clean the refrigerator coils. Make sure to unplug the appliance first before cleaning.
  • Clean other kitchen appliances, including the range hood and kitchen exhaust fan.
  • Sweep under the big appliances. Move big appliances if you can to sweep and wipe the underside.
  • Organize your kitchenware. Sort and arrange your kitchen tools, such as cutlery and pots, and eliminate duplicates and items you have yet to use.
  • Polish dining tables and chairs.
  • Put your pantry in order. Take stock of your supply of spices and supplements. Discard any that are past their prime and make a note of what needs to be replaced.
  • Consider improving the organization of your kitchen. You can save time and hassle by doing something simple as ensuring that the condiments you use the most are conveniently located.

It's Time to Put Your Cleaning Skills to Test!

It's time to put your kitchen cleaning skills to test

Are you up for the challenge? If so, then you are ready to start your kitchen cleaning project.

When we think of a clean kitchen, we feel happy and satisfied. It is where we spend most of our time preparing meals, having fun with family and friends, and enjoying delicious food. The kitchen is also the heart of our homes, so it should always be kept tidy.

These tips will help you start your next kitchen cleaning project and make it easier for you to maintain afterwards.

Now that you know how to clean a kitchen as a professional, try them out today!

Free Printable Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

We all know that cleaning is a necessary part of life, but it's also one of the most dreaded tasks. However, it doesn't have to be.

With our free printable kitchen cleaning checklist, you'll always be able to remember all the things that need to be done daily, weekly, monthly, and periodically.

remove the dishwasher racks


About the author 

Florie Malapit

Contributing Writer at Sparkle and Shine Today. She is a freelance content writer with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, major in Marketing Management, and more than two years of blog and content writing experience.

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