The Kitchen Surfaces You Should Clean Everyday

written by: Terry Stevens

Published: July 30, 2018
Updated: May 15, 2023

reading time:  minutes


Have you ever walked into your kitchen and felt like there was an avalanche of clutter that needed sorting out?

A clean, clutter-free kitchen is a healthy place to cook meals, enjoy family gatherings and get ready to start your day. That’s why keeping your kitchen clean, tidy and organised is essential.

But even though we try our best to maintain the cleanliness of the whole kitchen, we may sometimes falter because of our busy schedules or other important matters.

If you cant be bothered cleaning regularly one option is to hire a cleaning service but otherwise the good news is that you don’t actually have to clean your whole kitchen daily.

However, just because you don’t need to clean the whole kitchen every day doesn’t mean there aren’t several spots that should be looked over regularly.

So, here you go. Here are the kitchen surfaces you should be cleaning every day.

Top 5 Kitchen Surfaces that YOU should clean every day

1. The Kitchen or Dining Table

The dining table is where you eat. This is where you serve the food you laboriously cooked for your family. There are three basic meals in a day where you might have to use this table.

So it is recommended that you should clean after every meal for some food scraps and accidental spills on the table. A dirty table attracts harmful microorganisms, and you wouldn’t want that for your child, right?

2. The Kitchen Sink

This is one of the dirtiest spots and a top spot for bacteria in your home. This is also where you clean your dishes, wash your vegetables, etc. Thus, proper care and concern about cleaning your kitchen sink are good.

This is pretty easy to clean as there are cleaning formulas dedicated for use in sinks, and also you can use hot water to disinfect it. Just pour it and scrub well.

3. Sponges

Besides your sink, sponges are the next thing that gets in touch with your dirty dishes. Unfortunately, most people forget to clean their sponge every time they wash. The sponge, when left uncleaned, allows bacteria and other microorganisms to proliferate.

One of the recommended ways to remove germs is to use hot water. If there’s a reason that you can’t do it, try using a sponge rack to dry the sponge well. Drying will reduce the potential of the microorganisms to reproduce on the sponge’s surface.

4. Countertops and stovetops

The countertops and your stovetops are usual kitchen spots that we tend to disregard. Spills and splashes usually happen when we cook food. Those food splashes are typically collected on these areas since this is the area where you process your food. The countertops are where your usual kitchen gadgets are placed, like your juicer, coffee maker, and food processor.

Ensuring you clean your counters and stovetops will light up your cooking area. Who would want to cook on a messy stovetop? No one, of course.

5. Floors

Surely, you have to clean your floors too. This is the area that has the most contact with footwear. And that footwear may have come from outside with all those microorganisms.

Also, food spills may cause you to slip and have an accident. These reasons are more than enough to give importance to cleaning the kitchen floor.


These are the top five kitchen surfaces that you should clean every day. Next to these are your refrigerator, kitchen cabinets, and of course, your cleaning materials.

Make sure to take note of these spots so you will remember to clean them every day for a healthier and cleaner kitchen.


About the author 

Terry Stevens

The owner and founder of Sparkle and Shine. He is a seasoned professional in the home services industry with a decade of experience. He is dedicated to providing top-notch services for residential and commercial properties and has a wealth of knowledge to share on topics such as tips, tricks, industry trends, and the importance of loving your space.